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Teresa Tapadas
(N. 10 May, 1977)The eyes of Teresa Tapadas are more than a mirror to her soul. Are reflections of her voice. Clear eyes, crystal, magnetic, full of light when she sings the Fado that comes from her soul.
Teresa Tapadas is not a classic case of someone who, in the cradle, already dreamed of being a fado singer. She wanted to be an air hostess, has a university degree in Business Management, sang in the church choir, and was part of the folklore group “Rancho Folclórico de Riachos”, in Ribatejo, where she still lives. But gradually, led by a "fadistice" (informal fado gathering) here another there, Fado would gain ground to chart the course of her life.
In 1997, aged 20, she had her first encounter with the big stages. By the hand of Ricardo Pais and Mário Laginha, she was in the cast of “Raízes Rurais, Paixões Urbanas” (Rural Roots, Urban Passions), and performed at S. João Theater in Oporto, at the Cité de la Musique in Paris, and at Teatro da Trindade in Lisbon.
In the following years, she performed at Expo98, was part of the “Noites Ribatejanas”, and invited by the fado singer António Pinto Basto had several shows in Continental Portugal, Azores, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, and also in Peru and the USA. In the year 2000 Teresa participates in the Tribute to Amália Rodrigues, promoted by TVI television chanel, in Oporto Coliseum, and in the welcome show to Pope John Paul II in Fatima. By invitation of another fado singer – João Braga- she integrated the project “Terra de Fado” and sang in NJPAC, a Newark prestigious stage. Also this year she will come back to the US for a tour in California with the “Noites de Fado” (Fado Nights) show, a show that premiered in Lisbon. The public gets to know her better, the critics recognizes her talent and, to culminate this year, she is rewarded with the "Voice of Fado Revelation" prize, by Casa da Imprensa.
She gets her degree and in the "hangover" of completing a task she wants to enjoy a bit of “fadistices" (informal fado gatherings) to chill... The thing becomes more serious ... until the Management is delayed and finally we get a one full-blown Fadista!
In addition to the solo performances Teresa integrates, in 2001, the group "Entre Vozes" and, in 2004, the group "Quatro Cantos".
Later Teresa Tapadas Teresa is the Portuguese guest to the CD "La Copla y El Fado", where she is accompanied by the National Orchestra of Moldova. It is a bold challenge that she dares to face with a wonderful result, which gives her strength to the next step in the confirmation of her brilliant career: "Meu Grão de Paraíso", her first solo CD.
The years go by and Teresa adds Brazil, Spain, Cape Verde, Ireland, Switzerland and Canada to the list of countries where she has already performed. Participates in the collection 200 Anos de Fado, and returns to the stage with an Orchestra, the Symphony Urdmuta (Russia), in Badajoz and Huelva in 2011. Feature by feature, from applause to applause, her second CD takes shape – Traços de Fado and is launched in 2012 with several performances in national and international stages.
Her most recent CD edtion brings to the public the live version of Teresa Tapadas, and was recorded live in the show held at the Centro Cultural de Belém, in late 2014.
José Zambujal - text for the CD booklet Traços de Fado 2012
Data from Museu do Fado Documentation Center

Teresa Tapadas, s/d.

Teresa Tapadas, Festa do Fado, Castelo de S. Jorge, 2008 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, Festa do Fado, Castelo de S. Jorge, 2008 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, Museu do Fado, 2012 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, Museu do Fado, 2012 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, Mouraria, Lisboa, 2012

Teresa Tapadas, 2013

Teresa Tapadas, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, 2014 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, 2014 - Fotografia de José Frade

Teresa Tapadas, CD "Traços de Fado", 2012
Cavalo Alazão Teresa Tapadas (Maria Manuel Cid/Alfredo Duarte - Fado Bailarico)