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Mariana Silva
(N. 7 October, 1933 - M. October, 1933)Mariana Silva was born in the parish of Santa Engrácia, in Lisbon, on October 7, 1933. Her artistic tendencies were revealed very early and, between 5 and 12 years old, she worked as a trapeze artist and contortionist at Circo Transmontano.
Even in childhood, her vocation as a singer was notorious, making her debut on the stages of "União Artística" and the "Salão Monumental" at just 10 years old. At this time, she became known as “the girl from Alto do Pina”. This title continued to be used in promotional posters for the shows in which she participated, as we can see from an event at the Mercado da Ericeira, held on October 2, 1948, where one reads below her name: “the well-known girl from Alto do Pina, who has the most beautiful fadista voice ”. The young Mariana Silva quickly followed the path of professionalization, being hired by businessman José Miguel.
Her popularity is so great that she appears on the cover of the newspaper “Ecos de Portugal”, dated May 1, 1948, where it is revealed that despite not having “yet a professional card, due to her age, as it only counts 14 years. However, she is authorized by the General Inspection of Spectacles to sing ”. This was an exceptionally given authorization and accompanied by the restriction of remaining only in the houses and stages until 23:00.
As a token of appreciation and pleasure from the audience, the "Mariana Silva Cup" was created and "attributed to the singer who gets more applause", in a show by Grupo Desportivo Calhariz de Benfica, held on February 4, 1950.
In 1952, Mariana Silva won the title of Queen of Fado Menor, in a contest held at the Teatro Apolo, standing out for her particular way of styling and interpreting fado.
At the end of the 1960s, in the "Galarim da Semana" section of the magazine “Plateia”, the poet Carlos Conde dedicated the following blocks to her: “Voz que ao Fado sabe dar O que o Fado deve ter: - O Estilo de bem cantar E a arte de bem dizer! Ternura, fé, vibração, Tudo nela se condensa; Impõe-se pela expressão E marca pela presença! Porque a cantar honra o Fado, Só por isso a Mariana Tem hoje lugar marcado No «Galarim da Semana»!”
Throughout her vast career Mariana Silva acted and was part of the permanent casts of the most respected Fado houses, such as "Retiro dos Marialvas", "Solar do Marceneiro", "Adega Patrício", "Adega Mesquita", "Adega Machado", "Lisboa à Noite", "Forcado", "Tipóia", "Timpanas", "Viela", "Parreirinha de Alfama" or "Márcia Condessa".
The singer also made some shows abroad, performing in countries such as France, Belgium, Germany and Holland. At about 16 years old she recorded his first album for the publishing house Estoril de Manuel Simões and, later, edited discographic works by several publishers such as Rapsódia, Alvorada or Orfeu. The repertoire of this fado singer includes great themes such as “Erva da Rua”, by João Linhares Barbosa and Jaime Santos; “A Minha Sina”, by Henrique Rego and Alfredo Marceneiro; “A Sina das Marianas”, by João Linhares Barbosa and José António Sabrosa; “Santa Mãe”, by João Linhares Barbosa and Alfredo Marceneiro, or “Amar Não É Pecado”, by Moita Girão and Pedro Rodrigues.
We can find the voice of Mariana Silva in the compilation "Grande Estilista do Fado" (Estoril publisher) and in different anthologies: "Fados do Fado" by Movieplay, an album with some of the recordings she made for the publishers Alvorada and Orfeu; in this same collection, but in the volume dedicated to “Desgarradas”, it is possible to listen to the themes: “Estava Apenas a Brincar” and “Devaneios ao Serão”, themes in duet with Armando Morais; “Maria Não Adivinhas” and “Desgarrada”, tracks in duet with Manuel Fernandes; and still “O Fado E… Elas”, where Mariana Silva sings with Filipe Duarte and Maria Amélia Proença.
Mariana Silva retired from artistic life in 1999, leaving on that date the cast of the Fado house of Argentina Santos, "Parreirinha de Alfama".
“Ecos de Portugal”, May 1, 1948
"Galarim da Semana", in Revista "Plateia", s / d.
Mercado da Ericeira show poster, October 2, 1948
Performance poster for Grupo Desportivo Calhariz de Benfica, February 4, 1950

Mariana Silva, s/d

Mariana Silva e Alfredo Marceneiro, 1951

Alfredo Duarte Júnior, Raul Nery, Teresa Nunes, Fernando Farinha, Joaquim do Vale e Mariana Silva. Café Luso, s/d

Alfredo Duarte Júnior, Mariana Silva e Teresa Nunes. Adega Mesquita, s/d

Mariana Silva e Manuel de Almeida. Filmagens de Programa de Televisão, s/d.

Mariana Silva, Celeste Rodrigues e Lina Maria Alves, s/d

Alfredo Marceneiro, Mariana Silva e Lina Maria Alves. Parreirinha de Alfama, s/d.

Mariana Silva, s/d
Erva da Rua Mariana Silva (João Linhares Barbosa / Jaime Santos)