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Luisa Rocha
Luísa Rocha's fado has this serenity. She grew up on solid ground, over the course of a decade, with the safe and conscious humility of someone who knows how to gather the teachings of the old masters and apprehend them lucidly without ever giving in to the temptation of easy imitation.
The intransigence in the selection of the repertoire and the severe respect for the tradition of which she is heir are, in fact, other qualities that we hardly find and that we find in Luísa Rocha's fado.
She combines the austerity of the traditional and the passionate rapture of those who understood - long ago - the essence of what they sing. This artistic maturity of Luísa Rocha was forged almost a decade ago, in the solidity of the teachings of the King of Fado Menor, António Rocha, in the school of the Fado Museum and later improved in the Marquês da Sé, property of Alexandra. She drank from the experience of the big stage and continued to grow by revisiting the figure of Ercília Costa in cinema. Luísa's maturity is aware of the stories taken from Fontes Rocha in the daily lives of fado houses. And it also allows herself to be interwoven with the complicity of the youngest, as attested by the fundamental tribute of Carlos Manuel Proença.
Luísa Rocha's fado is also, for all this, brutally honest. The words spoken are transparent to her. Whole and full of meaning. With the solidity of those who follow a new path, for the simple reason of bringing with them the most genuine enchantment of the past.
Luísa Rocha was part of the cast of some of the most prestigious Fado houses in Lisbon, Clube de Fado and Casa de Linhares and already has two albums edited: "Uma noite de amor" (2011) and "Fado Veneno" (2015).
Pereira, Booklet do CD “Uma Noite de Amor”, David Ferreira Investidas Culturais, 2011

Luisa Rocha, 2011

Luisa Rocha, 2011