Fado Marialva
22 April, 2009
Presentation of the
book Fado Marialva, at the Museu do Fado Auditorium
April 22, 7:00 pm
Vicente da Câmara presents the book Fado Marialva, authored by Antonio Manuel de Moraes. With a preface by the singer,
this book comprises an extensive survey
of hundreds of fados
tied to the theme of Festa Brava, contextualizing the
biographies of authors, composers,
performers, musicians and personalities
of bullfighting.
Researcher and author of fado poems, António Manuel de Moraes has developed a
research within the themes
linked to the popular traditions, bringing
out the themes of the feast, fado, bullfighting
and associations, among others. Of his
work stand out the studies A Praça de
Toiros de Lisboa – Campo Pequeno (1992), Fado e
Tauromaquia do Séc. XIX (2003) as
well as the work Fadário
(2008) a collection
of poems of his own recorded on CD
by artists of the new generations.